Official website: Grazhdanskaya Oborona (often abbreviated as GrOb or GO) (Russian: Гражданская Оборона «civil defense», ГрОб «coff…

25 комментариев

  • Да-а вот уже и Егора нет давным давно , а эксперименты на русском поле(в
    нашей стране) продолжаются всё ожесточённее и ожесточённее ………..
    Когда же мы русские хоть что-то поймём……

  • Я думад думал и так и не нашел смысла в его словах…. помогите мб?

  • Гражданская Оборона- Русское поле экспериментов СЛУШАТЬ ГРОМКО!!!!!! 

  • Вечная тебе память, Игорь Фёдорович…

  • Гражданская Оборона- Русское поле экспериментов.

  • вечность пахнет нефтью ….

  • Страшная, но ОЧЕНЬ Правдивая Песня!! Без цензуры!

    Слово «Люди» пишется с Большой Буквы!!

    #Гражданская #Оборона

  • Історія повторюється.. всё есть.. и кровавые малчики… :(

  • Гордость нашей музыки,именно это Русский рок,а не дешевые алкаши вроде Юры

  • Tried to make an English translation. Dunno if it makes sense.. Tried my
    best) I’m not a poet, just like this lyrics a lot

    Russian field of experiments

    To torture your flesh with the heartwarming knife
    To torture your flesh with the heartwarming knife
    To voluntarily pinch your fingers till the blood comes

    To fill up the pockets
    With dead pups, live dicks, chocolates
    And miraculous drubbing purposefully,
    While bravely savoring lollipops

    On the patriarchal rubbish dump of the outdated concepts
    Used images and polite words
    Having suicided to destroy the whole world
    Having suicided to destroy the whole world!!!

    eternity … smells like oil
    eternity … smells like oil

    Compassionate laughter like a frost,
    Compassionate laughter like a frost
    Like a frost, compassionate laughter
    Falls nicely on …
    on …

    The geography of meanness
    The spelling of hatred
    The apology of ignorance
    The mythology of optimism
    The laws of the virtue howitzer
    The notable feast of prudence
    The pit saith through the mouth of a baby
    The bullet saith through the mouth of a baby

    eternity … smells like oil
    eternity … smells like oil

    The excellence to be redundant like me
    The excellence to be loved like a noose
    The excellence to be global like a baked apple
    The adeptness to step aside on time
    The adeptness of being an outsider
    The adeptness of being an outsider

    The newest medium for cleaning ovens
    From the suffocated with their own free will,
    The newest medium for cleaning ropes
    From the nasty smell of unwashed necks
    The newest medium to find the guilty
    The newest medium to find the guilty


    Beyond the opened door is the emptiness
    This means that someone is coming after you
    This means that now someone needs you

    It’s snowing and snowing,
    Russian field exudes snow

    Some were buried in the little eye packagings
    Others were buried in the packs of newspapers

    The fact that there was a goby killed in the slaughterhouse
    For this is the everyone’s joy, everyone’s pride
    Everyone’s hatred , the everyone’s will,
    Everyone’s will and everyone’s lees of life

    To fill up the grave with yourself
    Means to inherit the land
    What does it mean to inherit the land?
    It means exhaust the patience

    In the peephole – in the keyhole slot
    There are the brilliant little thoughts – the world little wars
    Unofficvial world owners
    Enamel parts of the head systems,
    The instinctive volunteers
    In the name of the universe and the bread crust
    People with a capital letter “P”
    The word «People» is written with a capital letter “P”!!!

    Swastika of faith pulled faces down
    The Babylon hornbook sticked to the fingers
    The historically justified method of
    Devouring the raw soil
    Isn’t it what we need?
    Isn’t it what we need?

    And in the morning they inevitably woke up
    They didn’t catch a cold — didn’t get dirty
    They called thing with their names
    They sowed good, reasonable, eternal
    All sown has been, all has been named
    Bon appetit — honor to honor
    The first corse was the first fruits of enlightenment
    And the second — the bloody boys

    The wearer of the Order Lord — of victorious peace
    Honored Lord of the Red Banner of fear
    The holy celebration for regular citizens
    Sharp sickle for the ripe ears

    The pit as the principle of motion to the Sun
    The porridge won’t be spoilt by tears, no!

    The sleigh full of girls’ disgrace
    The linen and sheets full of boys stench
    Girls’ eyes, the cuckoo’s tears
    As well as any other things

    So who was killed in the main battle
    Who died in the brilliant defeat
    For the full cup of pitiness
    In the brutal battle of Stalingrad lust?!

    The plane smiled into smithereens
    On the tubercle of the Promised Land
    The plane smiled into smithereens
    On the tubercle of the Promised Dugout

    And I set my love free with my very hands
    Freed from further inevitable disappointments
    Enticed it with the carrot
    Enticed it with the carrot
    And I raped it with the drunk brutal boot
    And hung up on a cloud, like a child
    His Unloved DOLL
    His Unloved DOLL
    His Unloved DOLL
    His Unloved DOLL

    Compassionate laughter like a frost,
    Compassionate laughter like a frost
    Like a frost, compassionate laughter
    Falls nicely on …
    on …

    Eternity smells like oil


  • а мою любовь я собственноручно ………..

  • Как рано он просек запредельное, как в двадцать с небольшим написать
    столько…и так трагично.?Не знаю как насчет слов ГЕНИЙ но точно что он
    самый трагичный рок-певец в мире -это невозможно опровергнуть.

  • Свастика веры стянула лица
    Вавилонская азбука налипла на пальцах
    Исторически оправданный метод
    Пожирания сырой земли
    Это ли не то,что нам надо?!
    Это ли не то,что нам надо?!

    А поутру они неизбежно проснулись
    Не простудились — не замарались
    Называли вещи своими именами
    Сеяли доброе,разумное,вечное
    Всё посеяли,всё назвали
    Кушать подано — честь по чести
    На первое были плоды просвещения
    А на второе — кровавые мальчики

  • С Днём рождения Егор! Было бы 50…

  • GO’s (translated as Civil Defense) song «Russian Filed Of Experiments». The
    real underground Siberian punk from 80s.

  • Неимоверные конечно бредни…кто погиб за чашку жалости в сталинградской
    битве озверевшей похоти, это тока утыркам дано понять! К счастью позже
    летов изменился и просто препевал песни времен СССР и ВОВ!

  • слово «люди» пишется с большой Буквы

  • про последнее время+ войны